Tuesday 25 December 2007

Everything. Dedicated to Helen!

Helen said I haven't updated this thing in ages, the reason being because SO much has happened and I really didn't want to type a lot but she said she wants something to read so here I am.
(Hi Helen *waves*)

I'm back in England for eleven days and have a chest infection though I don't know whether I should attack an inhaler. It seems to be mixing at the moment. Can't really breathe without needed to cough. I feel so sexy. And of course my iTunes is playing stuff that I need to sing along to so more coughing occurs. The consequence of good music.

So what have you missed in the last month and a half? I made a list.. But my camera won't let me take a photo so I'll type it here with fancy bullet points.

♥ Pizza, Momo's
♥ Ice skating! Montparnasse, Helen's favourite place, and Hotel de Ville.
♥ Pam and Helen leaving ):
♥ Stolly's - the 'bar of coincidences'
♥ Knitting
♥ Graffiti knitting
♥ Absinthe in the hot chocolate cafe that I never remember the name of
♥ A few videos to show you
♥ Bread -- bank
♥ Crazy toilets, cowboy guy and the champagne
♥ The C-hat

There's probably more. You'll need to remind me what I've missed. As you can tell they're not in any sort of chronological order. Just a random list.

Pizza - we've had pizza several times together so I'm guessing that's why you mentioned it? There was the excellent pizza at Momo's, recommended by Jesse and Cathryn, the cute little place in Montmartre with the free drinks. Many crepes have been consumed, some with Helen cursing the jam, some with praising the jam. We traveled six million miles to a crepe place with Jesse, Cathryn, Pam and someone we didn't know. We've eaten at a few other places too, had coffee at many places and beer/alcohol in a few places. Overall it's been very productive food wise.

Ice skating! Helen and I have been ice skating a silly amount of times. She doesn't mind holding my hand and I don't mind being helped. Not at all. Been getting better! Can go round on my own and beginning to pick up speed. The best part of ice skating has to be the pitying looks I get when go around slowly or people always want to take a picture of something when I'm about to go past so they get a close up of my head or coat. There was on guy who helped me go round a few times and really helped my self confidence.

Pam and Helen leaving. The worst thing ever. Still sad about it. Can't believe it's Christmas already and we're having to say bye to some people. Helen should come back to Paree and live under my bed or something. Haha. I miss you! Paris won't be the same without someone to talk to about knitting for hours and music!

We found a bar, Stolly's, which I named the 'bar of coincidences'. The manager Dave is from Victoria and we were in Victoria at the same time this summer. Mike somehow knew I was from Mansfield - he's from Swindon and did English literature at Bath Spa. Which is where I'm going in September. We went on the 14th December*, got incredibly drunk then tagged along to a party where Owen broke a chair. It was a legendary night. One that must go on the legends list with karaoke guy! Been in there a fair few times since then. Mainly to see my husband Nick. We got married in the Notre Dame. It was the wedding of the year.

Hm.. Helen mentioned knitting. What can I say? We like to knit. A lot. She's a lot better than me making her my knitting Guru with Needles of Wisdom.

Knitting graffiti is a new craze and I love it!

Isn't that brilliant? I really want to do some! There's quite a bit of it in the St Paul area. Makes me very happy.

What's next? Ah, yes. Absinthe. Helen bought some absinthe so Jenny, Helen and I decided to try it in the hot chocolate cafe we go to on occasion. Pimento Cafe or something like that. I don't remember. I just follow the others when going there. Anyhow, it was ok. Strong but good. Felt like such a rebel slipping it into our drinks. Heh. We are rebels for that. Pratcially legends. 'Je suis une legende!'

Bread -- bank. One day I was walking with Capucine, it must have been below zero that day. It was freezing. She stops walking and I don't know why. She looks at me so I ask her if she's cold or had enough walking and wants me to carry her the few meters I can. I am weak and she is heavy.

Me: are you ok?
Her: bread.
Me: Bread? You want to buy bread?
Her: Yes!
Me: Ok, sure. If you want. Come on then.
Her: .. (refuses to move)
Me: you can't buy bread here Capucine..
Her: ..(won't move)
Me: this is a bank! It doesn't work like that. You can buy bread over there (points to bakery)
Her: .. (still won't move)

In the end I had to pick her up. From behind because when I tried to pick her up from infront she curled up and wouldn't let me. That was a hilariously weird moment.

Seems we find weird people/places when with Jenny. Seriously. Helen and I have walked around for hours and nothing strange has happened then after twenty minutes of being with Jenny something really odd with happen or we'll find somewhere really weird to eat. For example the wonderful crepe place. We found a reasonably priced crepery, it seemed perfectly normal until we were served by a sixty year old guy dressed like a cowboy. He then tried to give us water out of a champagne bottle. That was a weird moment. But the best part of the evening would be when Jenny went to the bathroom and came back with a huge smile on her face. One by one we go see what she was smiling at.

A rave in a small toilet. Seperate speakers, rave light, writing on all the walls. Insane. Genius but insane!

And the C-hat. Helen made a lovely hat with a pompom. She tried to get caught in some tourists pictures near the Notre Dame in it but it didn't work. Here's the video of our failed mission.

Undoubtedly missed SO much but I'm going to stop for now and have a stretch. I have four albums on Facebook of pictures so far. You just have to add me to see them. Sylvie-Claire Porter.

Happy holidays.

P.S. if you're reading this and want to meet up then TEXT ME.

*Haha. Our anniversary Helen! :D