Friday 31 August 2007


Today I went to Montmartre. It was beautiful, the only problem really was the six million steps it took to get up the big hill but it was worth it in the end. Took a few pictures. All pictures go into my Facebook account - you will need an account to be able to see them but they're good. There are a few videos posted too. They're named 'For John' but anyone can watch them. They make him happy. :D

The Metro was hard to find. It was sneaky and hid from me so I walked up to the next Metro instead. Wasted quite a bit of time but it was ok as I had all day. Once I'd found my way to Montmartre I went and sat in the cathedral for a bit. It was silent in the crypt. Think it was what I needed. I sat at an altar for ten minutes or so and listened to the silence. It was beautiful. Can understand why people find such solitude in places like that.

In Montmartre I found a pretty little cake shop then had a crepe. Yummy. Wish I wasn't alone though. I'm terrible at wandering around on my own. Get bored really quickly. I was only there for a few hours before deciding to return. Which was a lot easier than getting there. Returning only took 20 minutes or so whereas getting there took about 2 hours. It seemed that on the way there I missed the bus, the metro, the train etc. Etc.

So, that was my day. How about you?

I never gave any proper details about being here. Things people are dying to know like what are the family like and what's my room like? Well the family are lovely and I'm lucky to have such a great family. I am aware of this - the homesickness is blocking most things out. Capucine is absolutely adorable! My contract starts on Monday so having a routine might help the homesickness.

They set the internet up in the living room so I can.. Well do this and use MSN. My room is the same size as my room at home, perhaps a bit bigger. It looks bigger because it's square. Though saying that there's a small double bed in it and there's no way I could fit it in my room. I'm still not used to sleeping in a double bed. It's weird, even though I began to get used to sleeping in John's huuuuuge bed it's still a weird experience. Lots of room and nothing to do with it. I keep finding myself sprawled out in the morning. Heh. It's comfy. :D

Can't think of anything else. Feel free to ask questions.


Wednesday 29 August 2007

So here I am in Paris. Lonely but safe, was very homesick last night. Still homesick but it's not as bad. Missing everyone a silly amount. Audrey really reminds me of mum which is making it harder at the moment, really miss her, Sam and dad..

It's beautiful here, haven't had time to do much so far. Tomorrow I'm going into Paris by myself. Have to get a bus and the Metro. A bit nervous - I should be ok but I'm still a bit worried.

Not really much to say. The family are amazing and they said that John can stay here when he comes to save him money - they also know some hotels in Paris where other friends can stay and will take me to the hotel to see them. They've set up the internet so I can use my laptop in the living room. This set up is a lot better than using their PC. They have a French keyboard so I'm terrible at typing with it.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

2 weeks.

Two weeks until I take the longest adventure I have ever had.