Thursday 20 September 2007

Long time no update.

So, what's new? Not much really. Having a good time here, really feel like part of the family. So far I've visited:

♥ Montmartre as you know
♥ the Eiffel tower
♥ Notre Dame a couple of times
♥ the Lourve
♥ the Musee d'Orsay
♥ and a few other smaller places.

Really enjoying exploring Paris. In 2008 at some point I'd really like to go to Disneyland with friends, a few people said they would so that would be brilliant if it happens.

Today I had the day off so I went shopping, it's going to start getting cold soon so bought five new jumpers. One, two, three, four aaaand five.

Starting French lessons on the 1st October, looking forward to them. Hopefully will make some friends then get to go home for a bit at the end of October. Looking forward to seeing everyone again, it's been a while. Heh. Then again everyone is going to be busy with uni and jazz. At least get to see family for a bit - missing them a silly amount.

Can't really think of anything else to say. Which is annoying because I will think of stuff to say after I've pressed post or later on when I'm not near my laptop.

Bye for now!

1 comment:

Alannarama said...

<3 i love the skulls jumper, glad you're having fun! xx