Friday 25 January 2008

'And I have no latern to light your way home tonight..'

Can't believe it's almost February!

I feel like I should be doing more with my free time, tomorrow I'm going to Versailles with Jenny and Cathryn so that's a vague accomplishment? We're all very excited about it. We're going to have a picnic in the gardens I think! I really don't feel like I've done enough to say I've been here for almost five months - really need to follow in Pam's footsteps and make a list of things to do. Jen and I are going to see Helen(!) in Toulouse so that's one thing to cross off the non-existent list! Very excited about that! <--see haven't forgotten you Helenpants!

I want to go out today my womb has decided that if I even think about moving it will curse me with the worst pain so looks like I'm staying in today. Curses. Plus I'm feeling lazy. Might go buy bread and more credit but Paris can wait.

As for French lessons I rang this morning and they said they probably don't have any places. I told them I really need the lessons to be able to work here so they're going to give me a test Monday morning and see if I can fit in somewhere. I really hope I can - going to be in a lot of trouble if not. Bleh. I'll figure something out either way. Then I'll go sort out my Navigo - for some reason it's stopped working which means I no longer get to hear the delicious 'BING' when I use the metro/RER. It's horrific! I have to use a Carte Orange again. Not as exciting as a Navigo plus I can't hide it in my purse and do a secret BING. Makes me feel like I'm a secret agent. If you have Navigo you'll know what I mean, if not then ignore this. ^^

The weather is amazing at the moment, sunny and vaguely warm. It makes me sad that I'm not in the countryside with everything growing around me. Spring is going to be horrible here, I need to be around greenness. I don't feel the same living on a street, it's ok but nothing beats watching the countryside slowly turn green over the month. It's beautiful. Hopefully we'll get our trips arranged and go into the countryside a lot more. If not that I'll take trains out and have long walks. Something else you can't really do here. Streets aren't the same as woods. I've also discovered that my most favourite sound to fall asleep to is rain. It never really rains here and when it does we have shutters so I don't get to hear the amazing sound of it hitting the window. I always sleep better when it's raining. Clear proof that I've lived in England all my life.

Better go find something to do - might frog hat and start it again now I'm more experienced with ribbing etc. And I have several projects I want to do but need round needles or double ended needles for. Eurgh. This is turning into an expensive hobby. Heh. Really need to get down to a yarn shop and get some of each or I'll never get around to the projects.

A tout a l'heure!

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