Saturday 26 January 2008

'We put potatoes in it.'

Today Cathryn, Jenny and I went to Versailles. It was so exciting! We meet at Musee d'Orsay at 12h 45 ish, Jenny was at the rhino - this is an important fact she felt she needed to text us with, and jumped on the next train to Versailles.

The first thing we noticed when we got there was that PEOPLE WERE NICE! You forget that people can be nice after living in Paris for so long - it's not that people here are very rude they're just not friendly. Some of them are really rude but I come from Mansfield so used to it. We went into a bakery and got some free cake things. We were so shocked at someone being nice for once I think we said thank you a million times. They must have thought we were crazy tourists. We got some bread, a galette des roi, yum yum and some fancy looking cakes. We then bought some cheese*, avocado, chocolate and apple juice. All set for our picnic we headed off for the Versailles gardens.

After a quick stroll and bravely asking for directions we found the amazing, huge gardens and were so happy to not see a building for miles. It was so beautiful. Living in Paris really makes you miss seeing silly things like fields. We strolled around for a bit wishing we could dress up in Renaissance clothing, or at least I did, then decided it was time for lunch. After finding a bit of muddy grass to sit on we had a cold but fantastic picnic. Cathryn won the crown from the galette and we were very pleased for her, Jenny cried a little but got over it eventually. After eating too much we went for a long walk around the gardens. They're so beautiful. When we left the sun was setting; the sky was lilac, pink going in to a light blue and bright orange. It was so incredible. We didn't want to leave.

We got the train back, listened to an Australian couple have a semi argument about a restaurant, and decided we were too tired to go for a coffee. I managed to get a bus back home from Choisy train station instead of walking and pretty much collapsed in bed. Which is where I've stayed since. Definitely a day we need to do again.

Random quotes for Cathryn and Jen.

+ Canadian seeds.
+ 'We put potatoes in it!'
+ 'It's the wrong way.' [Never figured out what was the wrong way or what the random lady was talking about..]
And I'm too tired to think of anymore.. Yawn.

*It's Port Salut by the way Cathryn ;)

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