Sunday 24 February 2008

'RER, it's a star!'

Probably shouldn't be updating in such a half asleep state. Cathryn and I stayed at Jenny's last night and didn't sleep. They're both probably asleep right now but I'm going to hold out until tonight. Working all day for the next four days so going to need a lot of sleep tonight - working 48 hoursish in four days! :o

Eurgh. Feel like my brain is melting.. Jenny's sleepover, without sleep, was great. We met at Montmartre with the intention of buying veggies and fruit from market stalls in a street Jenny knows, we ended up going into a piano shop and then Monoprix (we saw an interesting trio, Jen and Cathryn somehow knew their life story - two guys hugging a girl, Pete was the one who was left out though. Poor Pete, don't ask!) Which isn't really the same. We bought foodstuffs and went back to Jen's. The Metro was PACKED with everyone wanting to go to the rugby game.
Instead of having fruit and vegetables we ate pizza, chocolate ice cream and watched Mr Darcy, Black Books, Save The Last Dance - and giggled at the French subtitles, Jenny and Cathryn tried to learn German and Spanish, I had a wine shower and had to wash my top.

Somehow we couldn't find a corkscrew for the wine so after Cathryn and Jen attacked it with some keys Cathryn tried with the knife. She gave up and I tried for a while, after managing to cut half the cork out the knife slipped in and the wine exploded allll over me. Hilarious. Though I probably smell a bit weird now. Cathryn left to go home about 8am - I nearly fell asleep on the RER C a few times. Though Jen you'll be disappointed to know we didn't bump into Derek so no one taught us how to dance.

Jenny came up with the best rap about the RER. But I forgot it. Will have to ask her about it on facebook.

So now I'm back home. I had intended on writing a lot about how wonderful Paris is but my bed looks so snuggly soft I want to sleep. I can't really think at the moment. I'll go make an interesting list of interesting things to tell you about then maybe even include a picture post.

Yawn. By the way, if this didn't make sense to you then remember it will make less to me when I'm awake. :P

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