Thursday 10 January 2008

'You said I must eat so many lemons 'cos I am so bitter..'

Only been back for two weeks and it feels much longer. The weather has improved dramatically and now I'm wondering why I'm sat in my room updating this thing. Need to go pick up the little lady in forty minutes so not really enough time to do anything. Or at least that's my justification. Not really much of one. Need to start knitting and writing again.

Christmas and New Year's were fun and quite. The way I like them. Got to see some great friends then come here and make new friends. Life is good.

What can I say? I spend my weekends in Paris now and trying to increase my social life. Living in the suburbs could be worse I guess. Actually it's pretty great where I am. Not going to complain. Current music obsessions: Cake, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Shins, Kate Nash, Amy Winehouse, Da Silva, anything that the old Europe 2 used to play really. That was a great radio station. Now it's been taken over by Virgin. Doesn't seem the same. Audrey says it is but it's not really.

I love this song.

So for my Nude Year's resolution I want to start doing more exercise. But fun exercise. E.g. swimming or, like Alanna, bounce of some sort of trampoline or anything that doesn't seem like a chore! Tried yoga and might give that another go. Jenny said she'd be up for it so that's always an option. A very sore option.

Going to tidy my room and listen to more music.

Can't wait for summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you x sorry I've not been in touch recently.