Sunday 4 November 2007

About time..

I keep putting off this update which is ridiculous as it won't take too long to do. I'm just lazy. So many things have happened since the last update!

Just got back from nine days in the sunny UK - it was actually sunny. During those nine days I saw Ruthie, Peter, Charlee, Hayley, Jamie and my grandparents, I failed my driving test, boo, went up to Derby to spend some time with Ruthie, bought some books to make myself feel better about something.. Um.. Spent some time with my amazing family, was shocked at dad's beardage, had my first ever Martini.. Think that's it. Felt weird being back but then I adjusted and now I'm homesick again. Missing mum a lot already. Only been here about five hours!

French classes are fabulous and I'm making a lot of wonderful friends. The teacher is great and I'm really enjoying lessons. Learning lots of useful things like verbs. Heh. Just need to remember them now. Also need to do the homework set over the holidays. Completely forgot about that. Oops.

Can't think of what else to say.. :/

Guess I'll leave it at this for now and try to update again tomorrow night. Ooh, tomorrow night I'm going to cook an English meal for the family and see what they think. Wish me luck!

Ok, I've enabled all comments so you have no excuses now! Leave me comments! xo

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