Thursday 8 November 2007

Yoga and other four letter words.

Had my first yoga session last night and feeling a wee bit sore now. It was great fun, looking forward to going back again. Nearly fell asleep at the end - we were lying down and concentrating on our breathing and relaxing every muscle possible. Felt very sleepytired. I have really weak arms so every time we did something involving arms I could feel them screaming at me to stop - now they hurt a lot. On the way back from yoga I got the best pancake EVER. It was full of chopped hazelnuts and a bit of sugar. Mmm. Going to get one every week I think, as a treat for torturing my muscles.

Capucine has just had the week off school so on Monday we went to the park to play - she was popular of course. She brought some bubble stuff with her so all the other children were playing with us. I sat in the play area to keep an eye on her. A young girl came and sat with me, she said something really quickly in French that my brain couldn't understand so I told her I didn't understand, she asked what language I spoke I told her English and she started talking to me in fluent English! She must have been about five - brilliant English without a French accent! There was a random woman near by who was as shocked as I was. Capucine loved the park so much she refused to come home!

I'm not doing anything today - just going to play on Sims and then pick up the little lady from school at four. Normally I'd have a French lesson in the morning but it's half term at the moment. Pretty sure there wasn't a class today - guess I'll find out on Monday.

Have to wash my amazing jeans now - the ones with pictures from friends all over them cos Capucine sneezed chocolate all over them. She doesn't have magical powers of nose chocolate but her mouth was full of chocolate mousse and then she sneezed. It was so funny. :D

Think that's it for now. Can't think of anything else to add.


P.S. Got your letter Alipie! :D <33