Friday 9 November 2007

Dear you.

Dear prepubescent boy on the bus,
Apparently your parents never taught you any manners, you could clearly see the bus was full and that Capucine is slightly younger and shorter than you yet you refused to give her your seat, I'm not saying you had to but it's polite and makes common sense not to have a four year old standing up on a busy bus. Even when she fell over you didn't batter an eyelid. If I were your mum I would have given you a good slap for that.
P.S. a hat is intended for your head, not that air above it. You look like an idiot.

Dear boy with chewing gum,
It's great that you have chewing, really I'm happy for you but you don't have to share this fact with everyone. Not everyone wants to hear you chewing as loudly as you can. Closing your mouth when you chew isn't that difficult - you can even do it when you're eating too! It's a useful skill to have. Please take this into consideration.

Dear bus driver,
You absolute moron. Congratulations you've made my 'people I hate' list. So far there are two people on that list - it takes a lot for me to get this angry and you managed it without saying anything. I'll let you in on a little secret, living in a city does not mean you have to be an asshole. It's not necessary - some people chose to do it and others don't. You do have a choice, think about it.

You made me miss being in England - people seem to have manners there. Most bus drivers do - they wait for people who may have difficulty sitting down to be sat before moving off. You should go to England and take notes. It was blatantly obvious that Capucine would have problems walking down the bus - you saw that she needed help to get on it so why on earth did you speed off like that? She could have been seriously hurt, luckily when she fell (twice) she didn't hit her head though she did hit her back on the seat in front on her when you slammed the brakes on.

Just thinking about this makes me want to punch you in the face, or get someone a lot stronger to punch you in the face.
With anger,


The Wilk said...

Hmm... I'd say the examples of good/bad manners I've seen on buses here are pretty much comparable with the UK, except a lot of the drivers seem to be really nice about waiting for people and letting them on at the lights.

However, I'm a sick and tired of having to hold my breath for entire journeys cos of the stinky hobos that ride the buses! I've never smelt anything so rancid or so strong and there's one on almost every bus! Doesn't this city provide any services for them to get a temporary bed or a WASH now and again?

Cat said...

"a hat is intended for your head, not that air above it."

and again I can perfectly prove why I love you silly amounts (:

also: busdrivers -.- honestly. though here tramdrivers are worse, they'll run you over while you're crossing a street in front of a school on a crosswalk! gnaaah *chews on pen*